8 Easy Passover Easter Jesse Tree Display Ideas

8 Easy Passover Easter Jesse Tree Display Ideas www.intentionaltraditions.com #christianpassover #easterideas #eastercrafts


It has been a great blessing this week to see pictures roll in of families that are adopting this idea to add even more teaching and meaning into Passover AND Easter. We wanted to share a few of these inspiring ideas with you!


With only 8 ornaments you don’t need a lot of space or huge display. Actually, I love it when you rearrange a few items around the house and use what you already have!








Isn’t this a beautiful set up with the vase and flowers? I love the idea of utilizing what you were already decorating with in your home = less work! Adding meaning and tradition to what is already familiar.




I love the look of the live branches so it really looks like it is growing! A perfect symbol of life springing up from what was thought to be dead. Though the “Jesse Tree” idea is typically associated with Christmas Advent, we think this is an even greater symbol at Easter!




And when you live on a boat…you find a corner for your little Easter Jesse Tree!

So cute hung on cotton branches!


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If you go to the craft store with your Easter Jesse Tree in mind, I know you will see lots of ideas – like this cute little white tree!


I also saw one set hung on a jewelry stand that looks like a tree. Raid the kids room and building toys, jewelry displays, Christmas decoration bin or dining room cabinet to find something creative to hang your 8 ornaments on!


Next year I may use the wooden 3D tree intended for Thankful leaves. I saw these this week even in the wood department of the craft store for $4.99!


One friend said she is hanging from all her china cabinet knobs, so you could even hang them around the room and the children have to find them each day!




This is actually a Menorah, but without the candles makes a good display for the ornaments.




And this is our Jesse Tree stump which I’ll admit was a bit ambitious in size for eating comfortably at the table but I couldn’t bring myself to trim it because I liked how it seemed to fill the room. If you are aware of it though, you will remember it!

Each night we had our kids add the daily ornament to the tree.




If you have a display idea, please send it to me! jennilee.love@gmail.com


The Christian Passover Easter Jesse Tree Ornaments and Christmas Advent Ornaments, each with Biblical curriculum can be found in our Etsy shop! These would be great gifts to think ahead for next year and intentionally-minded first-time parents love these as gifts too, we’ve seen!



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