Day 2 of 8 Days of Christian Passover: A Prophet Like Moses (It’s Jesus!)

8 lessons explaining Jewish History as Christian Prophecy #christianpassover #eastercrafts #easterideas


This is the second in our series this week of 8 lessons explaining Jewish History as Christian Prophecy. Each day is a story connecting the Jewish Passover with the work of Jesus.

You can follow along by making your own ornaments or drawing pictures or you can purchase our set of wooden ornaments based upon my hand-stitched set hereThe introduction can be read here

A Prophet Like Moses

Story Significance:

Just as God revealed his Glory and Word to Moses, God revealed his Word and Glory in a greater way through Jesus, who is the New Moses who was predicted to come.

Activity for Today:

  • Hang the Jesus Walking on Water Ornament: This looks back to when Jesus walked on water, surpassing Moses who led Israel through the Red Sea.

Bible Overview:       

Moses was a prophet like no other. In the mind of many in Israel, Moses was Israel’s deliverer, he was their law giver, and he fed them with bread that came down from heaven. With the touch of his staff, the waters of Egypt parted so that Israel could walk across. With the touch of his staff, water flowed out of a rock so that all of Israel could have living water.

He was so close to God that when he left the tent where he was meeting God, his face would glow with God’s glory. But as Moses came to the end of his life, God promised that He would raise up a prophet like Moses from the people. God would put His word in his mouth and God would bring judgment upon those who would not listen to Him.

Although many prophets came after Moses, Peter explains that it is Jesus who is this prophet like Moses who was to come.[i] Jesus said that the words that He spoke did not come from Himself, but He spoke all that the Father who sent Him told Him to speak.[ii] Not only did Jesus speak the word of God, John explains that Jesus is the word of God and through this word, the world was spoken into existence.[iii]


Jesus, therefore, is our New Moses who spoke the words of God to us! Not only that, John further explains that while Moses brought the Law, Jesus brought us grace and truth![iv] And since no one can see the Glory of God and live, even Moses did not see His full Glory![v] So even though Moses’ face glowed because he spoke to God face-to-face as someone would talk to another man, only Jesus has beheld the full glory of the Father. Now that He has come, He has made His glory known.[vi] Therefore, Jesus has been counted worthy of greater glory than Moses. Just as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself.[vii]

Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, testifying of things that were to be spoken later, but Christ is faithful over God’s house as His Son. And we are His house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence and hope.[viii] Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea and all of the people walked through with water on their right and left. Jesus walked across the water of the Sea of Galilee and invited His disciples to walk out on the water with Him. Moses turned the water into blood and Jesus turned the water into wine. Moses lifted the serpent up onto a pole and all who looked up to it were saved. Jesus himself was lifted up on the cross and all who look to Him are saved eternally.



[i] Acts 3:22, [ii] John 12:49, [iii] John 1:1-3, [iv] John 1:17, [v] John 1:18, [vi]John 1:18, [vii] Hebrews 3:3, [viii] Hebrews 3:2-6


Do you have an idea for how to hang or display your ornaments? Tell us below! Or Please email me a picture of your display and I may use it in a future post to show! Send any pictures of your Easter Jesse Tree to



*Here are Day 1 and the Introduction if you missed them!



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